Friday, January 30, 2015

Embrace Your Dream

Hello Dear Friends,

I apologize for going MIA but as you know from my recent posts, this blog has run it’s course and a brand new one has arrived!

You probably know from my post on Downward Mobility that I have been feeling quite unsettled.
Actually more than unsettled.
I don’t think I quite have the word to describe how I was feeling.

And with the world in the state that it was this previous summer, I think it’s safe to say no one was feeling settled. Between Ferguson, ISIS, a gridlocked government and what seemed like an endless stream of tragedies, it added to my overall feeling of tension.

You see, I found myself in a place where, the gap between the life I’m called to live and the life I was living had gotten a little too wide. My dreams were quietly being stolen by what most would label the American Dream. My entire life I have never wanted the story that the world wanted me to live. It always seemed a little too docile, a little too pre-packaged.

Something had to give.
If I didn’t like the legacy I was forming, I would have to change it.
If I wanted to chase after my dreams, I would have to start believing in it.

Believing in my dream meant investing in my blog and seeking out it’s true purpose.
So how do I combine my passion for telling stories, a love of travel, and a desire to share my faith?

After months of praying and asking God to show me how it was all supposed to come together, it finally hit me.
It wasn’t enough just to tell my story because mine is only piece of the puzzle. So in addition to sharing my heart on faith, relationships and the wild power of hope, I needed to share other’s who were leading the same life.

The media and other outlets are so good at sharing the negative, we got plenty of that, this past summer especially. I wanted to seek out an adventure that would highlight the good that so many people fight for, day in and day out. As Christians, the trend is to say no rather than to say yes. To wait for the other shoe to fall and say “I told you so”. I plan to bring you stories that you can yes to. Stories that will make your yes so big that there will be no room for the no’s.

Stories that are worth the risk to say yes to.

Stories of people who are making room for justice, systemic change and the glory of God to invade Earth. And these people are not inherently rich, well connected or endowed with superpowers.
Not at all.

They are “normal” people who decided to say yes to the wild and wonderful plan that God had on their lives.

So please, join me over at Sauvage!  Sauvage is the french word for untamed. I plan to share with you stories from my untamed life as I find others who also said yes to the Sauvage life.

Currently the stories there are the ones you know and love but there are new adventures on the horizon.

Will you say yes with me?
Will you join me for the wild and wonderful?
Will you accompany me on this untamed journey?

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