Monday, September 29, 2014

This Isn't The End...But It's Close

A little over two years ago I started this little, free, poorly designed blog in this corner of the internet. I can still remember hitting “publish” on my first post and thinking that I might vomit from nerves.

I’ve loved writing for as long as I can remember; from being a pre-teen sitting on my bed, writing bad poetry, to being a young twenty something traveling on a bus and journaling my heart out. But this blog was my first attempt in sharing what I have written. Let me just say it has been one crazy adventure.

From my post that received less than 15 views, to the one about being a road wife that has almost 2000 views, like any adventure it’s had some ups and downs.
Through it all I have learned so much:

Like how to use not so many run on sentences.

That I should just give up on grammar and ask my husband to edit for commas.

The difference between what I like to do and what I like to write about. (e.g. I hate blogging about food and DIY projects)

Most of all I have learned to trust my voice and believe in my gifts.

And something crazy happens when you learn to believe in your gifts; you begin to believe that you could use your gifts and maybe change a little piece of the world.

As I started to dream, I also had to take a practical look at the nuts and bolts to this blog, and as I started to look at the nuts and bolts behind blogs I realized something:

I made literally every single mistake in the book.
And to clarify, yes, I purchased an actual book.

And for every piece of advice they give, I had literally done the opposite.

Dont get me wrong this blog has served a purpose (see above list), and it has been good; but you can’t get on the highway and drive across country with a Vespa. ...Well you can, but it’s not advisable.


That being said, I’m taking my Vespa (aka my free blogger blog) and trading it in for a Harley (aka a self hosted blog).

Which means very soon it will be time to say to goodbye to A Girl in Love…

But Danielle!
What about my favorite blog posts?
How will I find you?
What will the new blog be about?

Have no fear my dear friends!
Some of the favorites posts will be making the trip to the new blog and some will get packed up and put in storage.

I’ll make sure that each of you gets a link to the new blog. Plus I will leave a static page on this site that will link you to the new one.

Over the next few weeks I will be starting a series that will culminate in the reveal of the name and heart of the new blog.

In the mean time can I just say something?
(This is me grabbing you by the hands and looking you in the eyes.)

Thank you…(and the tears begin to well up because I’m a mess)
To those of you who sent me emails and messages telling me that something I wrote gave you hope.
To those of you who commented and said that my words gave you words.
To those who shared and told me that I was not alone.
To those who shared links of Facebook.
To those of you who believed in my gifts way before I did (Especially you, Soul Munchies!)
Thank you...I would not have the courage to believe in this dream had you not believed in it first.
Words are something that I’d like to think I am not short on, but I have no words to describe how much the love and support from each of you has meant.


Ok thats my first big announcement and here is the second…

I AM WRITING AN EBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes friends, I am hopping on the ebook bandwagon and I don’t care who knows it!

If you want more info on the ebook then you’ll have to follow along and make the move with me to the new site =) (see what i did there?)

Like I said before, thank you all so much for helping make all of this possible and I am so excited for the next part of the story.